Saturday, January 7, 2012

Of Gas Stations and Phone Calls...

"Hello. This is Huntington Mobil - how can I help you?
"Hello? Is this Sebastian?"
"Yes - how can I help you?"
"Is Shaun working right now? Is he there?"
"I'm sorry, but today is his day off. He won't return until tomorrow afternoon. May I ask who is speaking?"
"It's Shirah. I just wanted to hear Shaun's voice one last time. I really miss him and I really miss all of you. You know, I didn't say this before, but seeing you, Shaun, and the others at the station was the best part of my day because I had a chance to see my friends. You know that I don't get out often, but when I did, I always made sure that I'd see you guys over there. Being out here in Colorado has been difficult for me - there is nobody that I can spend time with; nobody to talk to and no one to call a friend. It's been cold and lonely lately. I'm sorry for calling you right now: I'm just feeling a bit weak right now."
"No, it's all right with --"
"You know what was my favorite drink I'd buy when I saw you guys? It was Diet Pepsi. There is something different about the ones you'd sell - it's as if there is flavor in every drop. Or maybe because I was enamored with Shaun whenever I would drink one. I could really use a Diet Pepsi right now, but only from your store - it always did have the most flavor."
She tries to laugh, but it's released forcefully so it quickly dies. She moves on.
"You guys were the only true friends I've ever had and I want you to know that. I promise you: when I return to California in several years' time, I promise that the first thing I'll do is visit you and Shaun and the others at the station and buy a nice, refreshing Diet Pepsi. I love you guys very much. Please let Shaun know that I won't ever forget my love for him. Thank you for being my friend - I won't ever forget you and how nice you've been to me. So good-bye...for now..."

And with that, I hear a soft click, followed by the monotonous dial tone. Unfortunately, because I was in the middle of my work, I didn't feel the gravity of her words until I was able to have some down time to reflect. Since when was she capable of such words? This simple-minded soft and fleshy woman - fat, for those in a hurry - considered me a friend. Was saying hello whenever she visited called being a "friend"? Or treating her with the same indifferent courtesy I did with others called "being a friend"? Or what about - well, you get the idea. Perhaps, in the end, it's best to just play along, to give her this one morsel of human compassion. But I am torn for doing so. Whenever she left our store, we would joke on about her: the way she dresses, or her mother's clownish appearance with the ruby red lips and plastered makeup. Perhaps the biggest joke about her is the fact that she's middle-aged and still lives with her mother! How pathetic is that? I suppose, in fairness, is that she's a little sick in the head. How sick? I don't know. Ask Shaun or Henry, perhaps they know the answer. All I was told is that she's not "balanced" - to put it gently - and I believe them. That and she's easily impressionable. After all, it was love at first sight for her when she met Shaun (just don't bring that up if you decide to talk to Shaun). In short, she's been the butt of our jokes for quite some time now. She is, and I hope always will, be oblivious and naive of our crude entertainment. She must be for her to utter these sincere words over the phone, right? Then why the hell am I so torn about this? I have a suggestion, but brace yourself for you might not like what you're about to read: I have been less than kind to another human being. (NO!) Me? Less than kind? (Preposterous!) Yeah, yeah, I know, I know, but I've got to face the truth and own to my shortcomings. But here is the crux of the matter: do I make amends and seek out a more genuine attittude of  kindness to her? In doing so, I may just become her next "lover", without my say so. Or do I just maintain this status quo, do nothing, and pretend all's alright with the world?

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