Monday, December 12, 2011

A Kiss To Build A Dream On...

Give me a kiss to build a dream on,
And my imagination will thrive upon that kiss.
Sweetheart, I ask no more than this:
A kiss to build a dream on.

Give me a kiss before you leave me,
And my imagination will feed my hungry heart.
Leave me one thing before we part,
A kiss to build a dream on.

Give me your lips for just a moment,
And my imagination will make that moment live.
Give me what you alone can give,
A kiss to build a dream on!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

My Blog Entry

It's interesting to see how our perspective of life can become more down-to-earth as we live our lives. We learn to live and experience life from a myriad of sources, from simply conversing with a fellow human being, to reading textbooks, and even from the "Information Superhighway". It's surprising when you realize that key life lessons such as perseverance, romance, and friendship are learned from a tv show. Perhaps the beauty of all of this is that you never stop learning. Everyday offers new opportunities, trials, and sometimes moments of respite from what you just endured, from what surrounds you, or for what lies ahead. As for me, I like to think of life as a series of tests. Only these tests aren't taken just once and they're done with forever, but they aren't recycled either, which can give people a chance to predict the future. Rather, these tests become one, which I like to refer is as the Test. Everyday, we're thrown a test question here and there, and if we're lucky enough, we'll be given an extra credit question that can redeem us from a terrible day or prevent us from waivering further. Perhaps the strangest part about the Test isn't the feeling that it doesn't feel like one, but the fact that there are no right or wrong answers to the questions or even a study guide to help prepare us ahead of time. Instead, there are days where we feel victorious, knowing we answered our questions correctly, days where we ponder and doubt ourselves, and days when we truly look at the mirror and see ourselves for what we are, the only thought that can manage to form itself is, "Just what the hell am I doing?" In the end, though, there are really only two attitudes to deal with this truth - it matters to us or it doesn't. I try not to worry if I'm wrong or right - I have friends and family to help me find the right answers. Though I still have to wonder, "Can they really help me?" After all, though we're all in this together, but what we're facing just isn't the same.

Saturday, July 9, 2011


There is so much to say, but the words refuse to leave my mouth. I know that if I force it, the message's meaning is lost. If only you knew me better - perhaps then I wouldn't have to speak. You would already know what I've been wanting to say...

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

"Well, I'm Bad*ss Cowboy Livin' In The Cowboy Days..."

"Wiggy, wiggy, scratch, yo, yo, bang, bang!

Me and Artemis Clyde Frog go save Salma Hayek from the big metal spider!"

That's classic South Park for you, but I'm digressing (as always, of course). It's been four, five, or six months since the last post! Although, I am still writing occasionally to this day. I'm a bit nervous that I've allowed so much time to slip away. There is always a release whenever I write, as though a great burden has been lifted from my shoulders. The sad reality is that I haven't been writing enough lately. A thought slips in and I notice. I jot down its essence, but the meticulous little details that really make that thought special are missing and so my thought is incomplete. I'm left searching the catacombs of my mind for that missing glimmer of completion. After all that's said and done, I don't really care if great multitudes of people may never read or hear these words of mine - I will be content if even just one person stumbled upon my little slice of cyberspace.

As I have said before, it's been quite some time since I've written anything here, and so this post will perhaps end these past silent months. At this point, I don't have much to say other than I've been spending a good portion of my free time with Stan, Kyle, Kenny, and Cartman. Recently, I've closed the fourth year of their crazy and bizarre escapades. Four years of insanity from narrowly escaping the impending doom known as Dawson's Creek Trapper Keeper to meeting Mr. Hankey for the first time. Oh, let's not forget about Mecha-Streisand - she must never again posses the Diamond of Pantheos. Now, I'm eagerly anticipating the number of times "it" hits the fan as well as Timmy and Jimmy's epic cripple fight. I hope to create more memories with the little tykes as they explore the unsual, the hilarious, and the bizarre. For them, it's all a part of growing in South Park.